Your Indie Company Should Think like a Fashion Brand

Big staple gaming companies like Activision and EA are pumping out yearly releases like McDonald's does hamburgers. People keep eating them time after time, and that makes Revenue more predictable. Good for those companies! But gamers are getting sick with endless Games as a Service (GaaS) titles when most players only have the time to play 1 or 2 games. So as an indie, you need to think more like a Fashion Brand than a Food Brand.

In the GDC talk, “The 2017 Failure Workshop”, Tim Rogers states that his goal was “to make the Burberry Scarf of Video Games”. He muses that the scarf “represents the perfect intersection between History, Science, and Art”. So why not make your video game in the same way?

There is another great GDC talk, “Put Your Name on Your Game, a Talk by Bennett Foddy and Zach Gage”, that goes over the benefit of a Personal Brand when it comes to you and your games. Make people like your game, make people like YOU, and then maybe those people will come buy your next game, and then the next one after that! That’s a good Lifetime Value of a Customer strategy there! This creates your History. And make sure your fans can follow along in some way.

When it comes to Science and Art, well, you are making a video game aren’t you? That should be the easy part!

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